Aug 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
Olympian Ryan Lochte has come under scrutiny. This results from his explanation of his actions in Brazil during the early morning hours of August 14. Lochte told this story: he and three other swimmers were robbed as they returned from a party. Brazilian authorities...
Jul 28, 2016 | Divorce, Uncategorized
The Oxford English Dictionary defines stress as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances”. In the 1930s, Hans Selye began researching stress by experimenting with rats.1 Now, a new body of research suggests...
Jul 22, 2016 | general law, Uncategorized
The decisions of Justice Anthony Kennedy are refreshing in that they are not ideological. The other justices of the United States Supreme Court align their positions more closely with their political parties. On June 23, Justice Kennedy surprised many when he wrote...
Jul 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
Marcus Tullius Cicero was a prolific Roman writer, rendering Greek ideas into Latin. He wrote De Senectute (on old age) in 44 B.C. when he was 62.1 In this writing, Cicero states that older persons should remain active. He suggests community service, writing,...
Jun 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
Daniel Berrigan S.J., a priest and poet died, died on April 30th 2016. He was ninety four. The Economist magazine put it this way: “To do good. On every occasion to do the right thing as he saw it . . . no matter how disruptive and no matter what the cost....
Jun 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
“I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.” Nikos Kazantzakis Nikon Kazantzakis was an author, a philosopher and a spiritual seeker. He is best known for his novels Zorba the Greek and The Last Temptation of Christ. Like his narrator in Zorba,...