Feb 1, 2018 | bankruptcy, Divorce, general law, government, Probate
It is exceedingly rare for any controversy to make it to the United States Supreme Court. The court hears approximately eighty cases per year out of the seven to eight thousand that are filed. It is rarer still for the court to hear a divorce related case. It is...
Dec 28, 2017 | Family Law, Florida Law, general law, government
As an attorney who practices family law in Clearwater Florida, I have written a recent blog on the subject of the recusal of a judge. It is a dilemma that an attorney can find him or herself in when appearing before the court. It sometimes happens that the judge will...
May 11, 2017 | government
Unless the way healthcare is organized changes, most people will continue to suffer unnecessarily at the end. In the United States, many deaths are preceded by a surge of treatment, which is often pointless. The way healthcare is funded encourages over-treatment. ...
Apr 20, 2017 | Florida Law, government
The Florida house has passed a constitutional amendment that would ask voters to impose term limits on appellate judges and state Supreme Court justices. The state Senate has yet to act on this amendment and it has been suggested that the Senate should reject this...
Apr 13, 2017 | government, Uncategorized
“Law is whatever is boldly asserted and plausibly maintained.” – Aaron Burr Aaron Burr was the third vice president of the United States, serving under President Thomas Jefferson. Burr fatally shot his rival, Alexander Hamilton, during a duel. As a...
Mar 30, 2017 | general law, government
State Representative Dr. Julio Gonzalez, a Venice republican, has proposed legislation to allow the Florida legislature to override Florida Supreme Court decisions. This proposed law has caused much discussion. The Federalists Papers, No. 78, provides that the...