Jun 15, 2018 | Family Law, Florida Law, general law
In a pension plan, which is designed to pay out a monthly pension stipend for life, the DROP option allows an individual to retire in the eyes of the retirement plan but continuing working for upwards of five (5) to eight (8) years, depending upon the plan. However,...
Jun 6, 2018 | Business Law, Divorce, Family Law, Florida Law, general law, Real Estate Law
When we litigate, we are often asked by clients: Can I get my attorneys’ fees if I win? Whether or not the other side has a frivolous case or a good case, most people feel that they should be able to recover attorneys’ fees if they win the case. In Florida,...
May 24, 2018 | Business Law, Divorce, Family Law, Florida Law, general law, Probate, Real Estate Law
Hiring a lawyer to handle your divorce is an important decision. For many people, the choices they make in their divorce are some of the most important choices they will make in their lifetimes. Decisions concerning timesharing with children, child support, alimony,...
May 17, 2018 | Family Law, Florida Law, general law
Recently, Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court, Jorge Labarga, authored a piece about the effect of stress upon lawyers.1 According to the Chief Justice, “Stress without proper care contributes to the higher-than-usual rates of addiction, suicide, and mental...
May 11, 2018 | Family Law, Florida Law
Recently, The Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court wrote an essay in the Florida Bar News. In it, he addresses a problem that is not widely discussed. I reprint it here: “Most lawyers work in stressful jobs. Mine often is. So are the jobs of most of my...
May 3, 2018 | Divorce, Family Law, Florida Law, Probate
Divorce at any age can cause a tremendous amount of stress, both psychological and financial. But when a baby boomer ends a marriage late in life, it can make preparing for retirement especially challenging. Here are some ideas to help a person considering a second...